Thursday, June 28, 2012

In yours/In mine

To drive
Not distract
To save
Not subtract
Sometimes all it takes in life is basic math.
Save your jokes
Smoke your crack
I see inside you, can't turn fast enough
Can't turn back
See my face
Remember this
I know what you do
I see
I do
Do you believe me
Do I look like I lie
Do I look like I care
What you think
In your head
That is blind with shit
Sick to the eyes
Your lies
Turn your head
Look Down
I have arrived
Do you see me smiling
In your dreams
Does it hurt
Does it make your stomach bleed
I know i'm sick
Don't take meds
I like to fuck around
Inside my head
I see both sides
Flip of the coin
What's mine is yours
All that bullshit
I take what's mine
I take control
I know what I have
It's called freedom
What you want
The desirable
Gratification would be silence
But the screams don't stop
Didn't mean for that to happen
Can't take it back
So take it all
Whatever you have
Whatever you think you have
Inside your head
It's what you wanted
What you asked for
I know about IT
Bitch Iv'e been bit by
I'm sure
Maybe in this life
Maybe but not for sure
Who knows
In my head
I ask myself
What does God want?
Do we even know
So confused
I am what I am
I know that seems simple
I don't apologize
For my lies
Only transgressions
I've committed
In my own head
So think
What you want
Or nothing at all
Like I said
I don't care
Because your head is sick
Is sick with lies
With scary sickness dark

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A prayer of Release

Do memories have to sting
Why can't I let go of the past
Set myself free
The chains holding me
Appear to be nothing
Except insecurities
It hurts to know
You've been tossed away
Thrown out
Cast yourself
To sea
To life to
Uncertain Hurt
Unexpected Possibilities
Open my mind
Release my past
Let go
Let go
I must have trust
I must trust someone else with my heart
Must take that leap
Be free
Tied by mistrust
That's no way to be
Please let me be free
Please let me have UNITY

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I was once a simple girl
Who didn't know one
From another
What was truth
What was lies
What was hiding
What was dying inside
What didn't even know
Didn't  she know
She thought LOVE was adequate
And Everything else could wait
Could be set aside
To rot
To die
To cover
Underneath herself
Where she didn't even know
Didn't know
That she could Shine
That her Shine couldn't show
Underneath the sand
Her head was buried
Hiding under
Excuses she made
She made LIES
Lies that she
Herself, would abide
But did not know
That bright light inside
Had to be put out
Had to be snuffed out
Blown out
Had to disappear
Had to shrivel
Had to Hide
In order for
The light to shine
Like fire
Her namesake
Her Pedestal
Hiding her fear
Up there
Does she know
She doesn't know
She knows that life
Can Evolve
Into something else
She doesn't care what happens next
Only knows
That now
She has herself
She knows
She will never disappear
She's incandescent
She's Lost
She's returned
To the places
To the places that needed to be set free
From her mind
From her memory
Damage leaves a stain
Won't go away
Will only fade
Will only take
The moment away
When it comes up in conversation
When it takes a play
The jealousy
The residue
The layer
That shit
That happened
The story
The way Fate
Put all the players
In place
Now all is changed
Now the past is faded
Never to revert
Never to reverse
She must abide to herself
Her Voice must be heard
Her tears must be dried

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


When a lady looks into the mirror
 Does she see the little girl
 In her eyes
Does she surprise herself
With thoughts of what she once was
The little girl
 Who's laughter
 Sang out with surprise
 Or does she see a woman's smirk
 Of knowing look
 She's already given a time or two
 A sadness that settles
 But merely a memory
 Of some injustice
 Happened Long ago
 She doesn't know
 She's let it go
 When her laugh comes out
 It's an infraction
 Hard on herself
 She analyzes each note
 True of False
 Then, let's it go
 Only a moment
A second
 It's gone
 The reason
 For the thought
 That is bottomless
 A question for an answer
 That only God would know
 These are the sort of things
 She knows
 Only to let go
 To live the life of peace
 She's settled on
 Decided on
 With choices
 She makes
 Each day
To fulfill these dreams
 The mirror Looks back
 With the face
 She faces each day
 That we all have to look at ourselves
 In the mirror
Reflection- back
What does it say?
What do we each claim for ourselves?
 In that stare
 Into our own eyes
 Do we see life as it is
 Or what it was/ or a lie? 
That was held onto for too long
 Until it stinks and rots and fades into the atmosphere
 Like everything else that holds too much weight
 No longer seems worth the fight
 With herself 
That it would mean
 Holding onto
 These past... Mistakes
 Long ago has let them go
 She knows she's free 
 Just to live
 Let live
 To be
 For the moment