Monday, July 18, 2011


I used to think that it was better to sit back and wait for what you want in life to come along.
I still partially believe that if something is going to happen, it is going to happen naturally, and everything happens for a reason,that destiny controls our future.
I now believe that sometimes, you have to put your hand out and grab what you want. .
Say what you want, out loud. Put it out there. Investigate. Don't be afraid to take chances emotionally. Don't be so consumed with what is happening, and how other people are acting towards you, that you let them control your LIFE your FUTURE.
It's okay to say "Hey" This is NOT okay. Or this is working for me. Articulate what you Really want. Your own boundaries, your own expectations in life, in your relationships.
It's part of being an adult. Knowing yourself well enough, to know what is acceptable, what you will allow into your enviornment and what you won't.
I know people that have not yet figured this out. I, myself, was like this not so long ago. I let "love" dictate my own unhappiness. I made excuses for others, because I thought that by doing this, I was being a loving partner. But, if you think about it, we don't act like this with our friends. We talk, we don't hide behind anything, and in turn have beautiful friendships, that are honest.
Why can't we be like this with our partners? Shouldn't the same rules apply?
Shouldn't our romantic relationships be friendships above all else?
So if you are in a relationship where you can't be honest with your partner, isn't that a problem.
What do you have if you don't have honesty?
A trap. A cage.An obligation.
So many people I know, so many friends of mine, allow this to happen. In turn they are always feeling half fulfilled. Always half wanting something more from there mates.
Come to the point where you are okay being alone. Where your life doesn't one hundred percent revolve around making your partner happy, and you will have a different perspective on the matter.
This is my rant for the morning, these are my thoughts.
Looking forward to learning,and growing more everyday, because once you move forward emotionally, it frees up your life and time to have more chances and more experiences to grow!
Don't be stagnant!!!

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