Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It happens to us all

Sad and Melancholy
Some don't know
Low self esteem
Little voices
We don't listen to
Wandering down a road
Never choosing the right fork
Unaware you are drifting
Along in life
Not knowing
Ignorance is an excuse
Life will expose
Our fears
Our wants
Our hurts
Rip away
Your in a bubble
But look outside
Mistakes we make
Other wise we wouldn't be ALIVE
The wise say learn from others
But young and free
We make our own choices
To hurt
To Drift
To wander through life
Nothing happens by chance
It's all mapped out
What's for the best
Or the worst
For each of us
Life knows just what we need
To learn
To grow
To sustain
To hurt
To love
To feel sometimes
AN unexpected rush of emotion
The unexpected
Sometimes takes us by surprise
We don't know how melancholy
Our lives have become
Until The wave
The surprise
The pain
Or the elation
Knocks us on our feet
Only wiser do we grow
As life comes in waves
And makes us take hits
Hits of life
Hints of wisdom
Socked away
That one day
You use
Then eventually
You die.

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