Monday, December 3, 2012


Blank wall, all I can see is my inner soul
I want to be let out, I cannot see
Myself, to others,
Myself, to me
All I see
Can the blank wall dissapear, will I fill
Will I be full
Enough, Enough, Enough
To quiet my mind from itself
The questions it has for ME
So long ignored
Someone, Something, Everything
Do possessions equal happiness
Fascination verses Reality
IF I want what I can't have
Then I will never have what I want
If I can see Want, than I want to be free from it
I can't look at others to see myself, it doesn't work
My own demons are fearful enough, and enough for me
See what is right in front of you
That's how it happens, that's how it starts
Love and Self are one, no matter what the eye sees
The Soul and Self secure as one
Through the eye triumphant, Reality restored
Now I see

What happens when romantic illusion returns?
Happiness is as light as a feather, and is Real
To life, heart to mind
There is a time for everything, Life doesn't wait
Change doesn't wait for life, take it
Peaceful or Stormy
Weather and life roll along

When I decided I had enough, of what
Wasen't  even real
The fears inside my mind, we haunting me
Taunting me, trying to ruin what I recovered
Of myself
Fear subsided, and the light I thought I saw
In my mind, loves safe place
Became Real( Literally)
While exploring dark places in my mind,
This sun,  lit a light
The light was shining through the pines
The most beautiful thing I could think to see
For Me to see inside my mind,
Shadows I didn't even know where there
Dark forboding, scary to explore
Turned out after all! Safe from harm
The fear was nothing, once I had seen it up close
The thoughts were nothing much to be afraid of, nothing much at all

Light shining through the trees, shining
brilliant, all her glory steady
A tree, rooted strong
In the Earth, my feet feel each step now
Balanced, Tall, and Strong
Triumphantly I dance through the light
The forest of my mind is open now
The pine meadow a memory of my journey
My search for Me

Light returns in the form of trust
I once thought that the dillusion
Romantic illusion
Was dead
Wasen't even real in the first place
When illusion bursts, it's hard to see it dissipate
Something I thought was solid as time
Was nothing more than fragile illusion
Mostly inside my own mind
Bursting in my face
It Sounds so so sad
I know
It's okay lemme tell you why
Romantic delusion is actually really real
When I fell, a White Knight caught me
As strong and gentle as a Man Bear
The white light I saw shining through
A real illusion, of the white love I envisioned
A comfort to me, all the Love I have
For that Man, and all that he Loves
Nurture Love Grow

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