Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Man

You are an enchanting man
The sweetest man I have ever known
Honey, you know
I never want to take you for granted
You are kind, I won't forget that
When you love me so gently, when you love
I know, you don't hold back
I love your face and each breath you take
To me is Magic, I want to be near you
Warm, your heart, bigger than big
All my love I pour into it, you recieve and return
I love you Honey, Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Rest in peace 
My baby girl
My pretty pretty kitty
I love you so much
I'm glad we knew each other
And had the time we did
Many times you comforted me
Purring by my head
Time and time again
You sat next to me while I read
Made me laugh with things you did
Cuddled up, we took a nap
My little baby girl
Fuzzy penguin belly
I will never forget you, best friend 
May your dreams be sweet forever
In your nine lives
I hope we find each other again
In my heart, you will remain forever
Best kitty forever
Rest in peace Nermal
I will always miss you!!!!!

Nermal Fuoco

Mama Baby Girl

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Poker Face

You see me thru eyes, that you wish knew
What to love is
What your choices are, well that is clear
You are a hollow as a vase, yes , and as fragile
I know, we All know, ILL
Not ready still, to face the world
But if not now then when will you?
If you could see what I see
Through  eyes that have seen the raw
Bleeding core of self, stand alone and face herself
Well, when you see yourself, is when you will see
When you STAND on your two feet
When you STAND on your two feet and LIE
and Speculate, call it TRUTH
But we all know, it's not
Reputation is solid, words you throw
Hollow and transparent as your SELF
Stand Sick and Lie
Dismiss that thought, like every other you have ever had
Transparent, empty, and without Regret you stand
But Life doesn't lie, and Neither do I
A morality, I uphold for myself
For myself I hold alone, for my actions
Myself is enough to keep the truth in me
For I hold myself Up high
I have worked too hard, to let anything take that away from me
It is light, but it holds my feet to the ground
Rooted as a tree, I stand
I hold MY ground
All that I hold steady, is within me
All that I love I hold, in my embrace
My warm love all my loves need to keep them safe
Safe from harm, our truth sets us free from you
Silently I laugh inside my head, of all you think you hold
When inside it's empty, and all you hold is in front of you
That should be enough, but it's not
Because you are all filled up with lies, and with distaste
Cheats, and lies and names
A house of cards that will crumble under the truth
Your poker face is blank, but let it up
Whats real is here, here in front of you
And all you have should be enough, but you keep filling up
Keep filling up with lies, with drama, with the hate you stir
Your reputation is what it is, you can't change that
Actions don't lie, so fold B
What you have is right in front of your face
Repeat it doesn't matter what anyone says
Your brain and logic closed for business long ago
In front of the TV you sit, you rot
You couldn't keep your legs shut then, so go find a another bank
I call that a gold digger, always have and my opinion formed long ago
Of people who do it, and who do what you do
That is your reputation I have heard
Acording to you is it, according to the file
With your names, and your redundant crazy repution preceding you
Laughing Laughing Laughing so Hard, my face hurts
Among other good things out of the mouth of your offspring
Innocent laughter rings from them, not fear
How dare you take a relationship that God had put in place beween man and sons
Turn it into something UGLY, inside of you this all springs, and UGLINESS lives there
 I always tell only things of LOVE when it comes to you and THEM
Not even that respect you grant when you turn them and use them, against there father
A refreshing thing, for everyone
Who CHOOSE to love them, without any strings
There are many who do, for it is them and only them
Who make them who they are
You are a part of this
For the reason for the relationship you have
With my man bear, For I love him
Beyond what any comprehension you will ever have
Based on your reputation and what you did to him
In the past, present NOW
This reputation speaks and when you left you did
Now that is a fact
But you forgot to bring that up in your filing?
Didn't you?
When you lie, and try to pass it off as concern it worries me
Sociopaths do that very same thing, do you know what " concern" means
Do you know what you are even saying when you speak
All I hear is idiocracy
Blahhh Blahh Blahhh
The same way, I see it
As a  three year old, or an adolescent throwing herself  a pity party
Your own chemicals need to be examined as I see it, for there is,
According to your LIFE, IMBALANCE
This is fact
What shall we do, as we watch your house of cards come crashing down
I have cried already, I have screamed, I have laughed
It's almost silly, except the law is not
When you open up Pandora's box, you better be ready for what is coming OUT
You better hold down your fort
I am a storm of words,  logic, reason and fact
All the things the law will uphold in fact
700 is the number, and you are willing to bet all that you've got
But the way I  see it, it's  zero next to your name
Not mine, and only you can change it
(That's self worth, not MONEY, i'm sure you missed that)
Except the only thing that matters, it isn't MONEY
it isn't a Poker game, it's life
We will not hold back, just so you know
Here comes a storm, hold down your fort
Hold onto what REALLY MATTERS
What you have already GOT

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Lovely Literature

The waste you spew, I distaste
It leaves nothing but air, broken
Weak, and with no self respect to collect
That's where you failed, you forgot
You dismissed dignity, and without
You wither, you waste
You take up space, and space to fill
With what
Rot you are, and I know
I have some hate
I need to purge it, here onto this page
You forgot how to BE  a long long time ago, and with that
Logic collapsed, disappeared long ago
With your brains, synapse
Collapsed with your class, that never happened
Now too late, you have no where to go
Stay away from here, this place we hold dear
This place we call home, you can't come
We are not scared, for we have nothing to fear
When all is revealed, how sad to see
That your words mean nothing, and neither do you
Not here, in this house, and never will you be asked back here
If action and proof doesn't back than your cracked
Your threats hay, empty they burn and burn and burn
Don't play with fire, it might come back to haunt you
Stay away, stay away
( Never goes away)
What we have here, is solid as a rock
Solid and circular, for it has no beginning and no end
Our love is one thing that's sure, even as we shout
That is what we know, what we hold true
Words with love are the ones that pass through our mouth
We don't degrade each other, it's REAL
This to the heavens I thank and I shout
So if you want to know, let me tell you
Only in yourself will you find ridiculous delusions
Only in your face will you see your eyes and the lies they tell to BE
Only you can change, what I see
Obviously, is (well) we won't say
Even though I am having a day, a day of rhyme, and day of reason
A day of hate, when red burns so hot it's blue
My heat boils and snaps, like lava
Hotter than hot, and covering all that I choose
I am logic, and a rock of reason
Qualities you don't possess
Then cools, to the soft touch of love and white ice
The rights you have now, could boil could stew
Everything you take for granted could be gone tomorrow, don't blink
It might disappear, than what do you do?
Where do you go when it all disperses, to the only place you have
That is you, and where will you go?
Maybe then you will look to yourself, look inside
See what is making you do, what you do
Where will you take yourself when you make what you make?
What life you end up in, when you take all you can take?
What you have taken, you can have
Keep it, it's yours, nobody wants its rottenness stinking allure
For it's nothing but lies, all that you have told
In a manner that's not direct, but rather round about
The ending is clear, you have nothing
You want to protect what you have
What you care about for YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU
Yes, I know all about you
Your selfish desires
Now you don't know who you are, or what to do
So you are sitting and stewing, and trying to survive
You look here you look there, to strengthen your tenuous ties
But that won't work now, you see, you took it all
Boiled the children for stew, now there is none left for him
Or for him, or for whoever you choose to suckle from, the waste you are
Is clear

Monday, December 3, 2012


Blank wall, all I can see is my inner soul
I want to be let out, I cannot see
Myself, to others,
Myself, to me
All I see
Can the blank wall dissapear, will I fill
Will I be full
Enough, Enough, Enough
To quiet my mind from itself
The questions it has for ME
So long ignored
Someone, Something, Everything
Do possessions equal happiness
Fascination verses Reality
IF I want what I can't have
Then I will never have what I want
If I can see Want, than I want to be free from it
I can't look at others to see myself, it doesn't work
My own demons are fearful enough, and enough for me
See what is right in front of you
That's how it happens, that's how it starts
Love and Self are one, no matter what the eye sees
The Soul and Self secure as one
Through the eye triumphant, Reality restored
Now I see

What happens when romantic illusion returns?
Happiness is as light as a feather, and is Real
To life, heart to mind
There is a time for everything, Life doesn't wait
Change doesn't wait for life, take it
Peaceful or Stormy
Weather and life roll along

When I decided I had enough, of what
Wasen't  even real
The fears inside my mind, we haunting me
Taunting me, trying to ruin what I recovered
Of myself
Fear subsided, and the light I thought I saw
In my mind, loves safe place
Became Real( Literally)
While exploring dark places in my mind,
This sun,  lit a light
The light was shining through the pines
The most beautiful thing I could think to see
For Me to see inside my mind,
Shadows I didn't even know where there
Dark forboding, scary to explore
Turned out after all! Safe from harm
The fear was nothing, once I had seen it up close
The thoughts were nothing much to be afraid of, nothing much at all

Light shining through the trees, shining
brilliant, all her glory steady
A tree, rooted strong
In the Earth, my feet feel each step now
Balanced, Tall, and Strong
Triumphantly I dance through the light
The forest of my mind is open now
The pine meadow a memory of my journey
My search for Me

Light returns in the form of trust
I once thought that the dillusion
Romantic illusion
Was dead
Wasen't even real in the first place
When illusion bursts, it's hard to see it dissipate
Something I thought was solid as time
Was nothing more than fragile illusion
Mostly inside my own mind
Bursting in my face
It Sounds so so sad
I know
It's okay lemme tell you why
Romantic delusion is actually really real
When I fell, a White Knight caught me
As strong and gentle as a Man Bear
The white light I saw shining through
A real illusion, of the white love I envisioned
A comfort to me, all the Love I have
For that Man, and all that he Loves
Nurture Love Grow