Monday, July 9, 2012


Here's the problem. Baggage. Why do we heave it around? Why do we insist on taking things that hurt us and burrowing them deep inside of us, carrying them around like a rotten fruit seed? Fermenting and stinking, it turns to mush, until we are not even that sure what we are still UPSET about. UGH- all the while our insides are rotting away, along with our true character, our true selves. Before you know it, you are apologizing to yourself, for being you. I hate that shit. That is literally what it is, too. Shit...shit that feels bad inside. Shit you let bother you, for no good damn reason. 
This is how I feel lately. I carry around this baggage, and for me it is one hundred percent emotional baggage- that is completely unnecessary in my life, and for my mental happiness, for the sake of the happiness of my new relationship, for the sake of my time, and time I would rather be doing anything else- I am letting go. 
I am letting go of every past remark that has made me angry or sad. 
I am letting go of the idea that I am not good enough.
I am letting go of the fear that I will be abandoned.
I am letting go of not being able to fully, one hundred percent trust my LOVE because of trust issue bullshit.
I am letting go of past bullshit and transgressions that have been done to me. 
I am letting go of being left holding my wedding dress.
I am letting go of the thought that this could happen again, I am leaving behind the thoughts that I have allowed my ego to control. 
Self preservation has turned into self destruction. There is no way that I am going to let this negativity ruin my mind. I have come to far, have been wounded- and self healed myself to let this BULLSHIT UPSET ME!!

I will not let my thoughts control me, I control my thoughts

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