Friday, April 3, 2009

It's hard being a boy

About a month or so ago, Geoff told me " Don't make any plans for me on Saturday, April 11th" Like I ever make plans for him. Being the car aficionado that he is he is planning on going to a once a year event that he looks forward to sponsored by his favorite car magazine blahblahblah. Anyway, I know that he is super stoked to go with his close friend and fellow car aficionado( I had to look that up for spelling so I want to use it as much as possible to pay off for my hard work) Rob. Who is with Tina( madly in love with) Who is coincidentally one of my dearest and nearest friends. Let me get to the point. Boys are primitive when it comes to telling there friends how they really feel. Rob decides to go out to California to see his lover-girl that weekend. Instead of telling Geoff. " Hey, I am going to California to see Tina that weekend" When he found out he was going to California that weekend, he avoids him at work and starts acting " strangely" ( By Geoffs account) Me, being sensitive to Geoff loves for cars ( NOTE the sarcasm) does not put 2+2 together that the weekend Rob is going to see Tina is the weekend of the revered once a year car show, and just thinks that Rob is acting strangely. I attribute the strangeness to his head being in the clouds with his love( or up his ass, or up her ass ahahahahaah) When Geoff finally finds out that Rob is not going with him this weekend, he is upset. Sad. Butthurt. But mostly sad. I can see it in his face, hear it in his voice. He was really really looking forward to this, that they had planned quiet a while ago event. Understandably, plus Rob is his only friend. We are driving around doing errands yesterday, and I say to him, " Well, can't you just tell Rob that you are upset and that you really wanted to go with him. " Appanantly that would break some sort of male code. " No" he says, " I am going to punch him in the stomach and say " knock it off shit head." It's hard being a boy isn't it? Yes he says. Ultimately, even though I really don't want to, I am going to the car show with him this Saturday, it's hours of walking around looking at cars and smelling gasoline, but for him, I would do anything.

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