Thursday, October 16, 2014

Goddesses Rising

WE AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT. NO WE AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT!!! Females are not going to take sexism any longer. We will not be told that we cannot make the same wages as men for the same job. We are not going to be told not to wear something because it's too sexy. Too sexy for who? The men? Or wear this, it's sexy. Again? For who? We won't be told we can't do anything. Because you know what? We will do it, and we will do it better.  All sexists just stand back. Stand back and stare. Try and stop us.
The goddesses are rising. We have been growing stronger and stronger- while you have been sitting around with your hands in your pants. We have been rising quietly from the waters of equality. Now we have risen.
The more times that you try and keep a woman down, the more she will get back up. Each time this happens, she grows stronger. So keep your hand on our ass, keep your eyes on our breasts. While you have been distracted with your cock and balls in your hand, we have been taking over the world.
We haven't been walking around with the same sense of entitlement that you men have. We have had to work for equal rights. Woman have fought for their rights for as long as civilization has existed. Men have expected woman to bear the children, take care of the children, lay on there backs and make more children and...well let's be honest...woman take care of most everything else as well. So, we have laid here. We have been bearing your children and caring for your homes and you. We have fed you and nurtured you with our breasts. No woman ever came from a man's body.  We have just made things better all around.
Now, add in the facts. In the last century women have also entered the workplace and the political arena. Yet, despite the fact that tons of woman have been doing great things we are still looked at as less competent than the men. By the men. Anything you can do, we can do better.
I am not saying that men don't do great things as well. That they cannot be the nurtures of the children, and hold down a job. I am married to this man. I am talking about the majority.  There are plenty of men that I have great respect for.
Woman have to work to be noticed and then they have to work to be respected and taken seriously. Sexy clothes are worn to get mens attention and also to distract them.  Also, to compete with other woman. Being "sexy" is a double edged sword sometimes.  Sexy clothes draw the eyes of men and women alike. A beautiful woman will make you stop and stare.  Women have been raped for their beauty. Women fear for their beauty when they go out in public. I have been undressed by a mans disrespecting eyes more than once. I have been afraid to walk down an alley. Men do not live with this feeling.
Women are constantly challenging one another and themselves, they do this unconsciously and consciously.  The constant challenge that we place on ourselves to take care of this family, this home, earn this paycheck, get equal wages, vote, look good, avoid getting ogled or even raped, and even go to school have only made woman evolve into something stronger. We ARE goddesses rising, and this is only the natural evolution or things. Creating a "rape culture", or over sensationalizing sex in the media is not going to stop women from being equal. The media loves to bring a distraction, that is part of  how our "big brother" culture operates.
I have no doubt that we are going to have a woman president. In fact, I just have a feeling that the time is coming soon. Woman are rising and they are also being persecuted for their good deeds all over the world. Sorry guys, we aren't going to lie on our backs for you anymore, and keep quiet. See us rising gloriously from the waters. Hear our siren calls.

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