Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Darkness and light dream

Is life a dream?
When we wake up
In a scream
When you see;
A place inside your self
Mysterious beauty; Queens and Castles
Darkest times in history; wet air
Dank with disease and fright
A royal Queen; a mystery
Dreams become reality

Houses rising from mountains;pools of blue desire
Is this heaven?
Have we arrived?
Is heaven everywhere; in between here and there
In our dreams; our nightmares
When we wake up in a scream
Three a.m. a place and not a time
Frightened awake by my mind;Tranquil peace, purest dreams
Here I am
Here I am free
Here I can see
This is heaven;our nightmares
Our dreams
Inside our heads, we live
Dare to dream; imagine being free
Dare to be free, in there where your darkest fears make silent screams
What could be, if we were evil inside?
A glimpse into things unseen
What happens in our darkest dreams?
Where are we, when we are inside a dream?
Outside our heavens, inside our dreams
The darkest places in our minds, dare to exist
In our dreams
Where we are free
Where heaven exists
Where light and darkness dream

This passage is based on dreams that I have had in the past, concerning my darkest nightmares(some other time), and also concerns dreams of a specific house rising out of a mountain top, that evokes feelings of pure happiness in myself.
I have woken up from the darkest nightmares, feeling that I touched the darkest parts of myself.
This poem also describes some of the feelings that I have, that I have existed in another time.
Also, thoughts of does heaven exist? Is it here? Up above? Or everywhere?

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