Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Heaven and Earth

If shame and hurt and fear
Haunt me
Take my life, my happiness
Turn me into something
Less than white, less than me
Less than passionate
If Ages tell the truth
Men need that, and Men need this
Metal in my veins, metal in my blood
She always says this is How it is
This is how it was.
If we all have holes, do they take
Or do they give
Does our past make us strong
Or Take from our future?

It's already ruined, She says
Her eyes, her voice, a thead
She's Me, only much smaller
Metal in my veins, makes me stronger
Fire against Metal

One book ends
Another One begins
This one might be better
Let's see
She said.

When the little girl
This woman emerges
(From a forest)
Of course

Is She triumphant
Or burdened down
With too much
Emotional stow

Does She wait
Or does she Go
Does she know?
Or are the voices in her head
Too loud
Telling her

One way is not the other?
Or it it?
Does she even know?
Are the ghosts howling out?
Or is it inside of her Self?
Does she know what's inside?
Is it fabrication?
What we feel?
Are our feelings delusions?

What he says is always poignant
She takes it, she stows
Drops off what she had
It's rotten now, anyhow
Time to leave it, to grow

It's a fabrication of a world
If ruined is already happened
Inside your head
His words a feeling
His face locked in her mind
Locked up in memory and time

She knows what she feels
Is real
A matter of the sky, and heaven and hell
Forever is locked into Her, into her will

A Man who came into her life
Who She knows is the one for her
He tells her, she tells him
They know it, they know

She's not stuck with the past, it haunts her
A place that took, until it took it all
Left not a single drop of love inside of her
Now She's full
Now She still wants more
She's scared
She's elated
She knows what happens
She fails
Between Earth and Heaven
She sits and She waits
In the blue of his eyes
When he knows
He knows
Yet she waits, she sits she sits with her stew
She waits with her stow
Of tears and dreams
That make her feel
Deranged and shaken
Disgusted with herself, and pleased
She sits, and she waits
She sits and she waits and she tells the truth
She emerges from the forest triumphant
The little girl inside of her cries, for all that she knows
She does, when she doesn't really want to do
Is how she would like to wait, but she's sick
She's deranged
In her dreams, and with her past haunting her
His haunting him, reaching up to grab
To take the love, they want
They have
They share

In the Blue of his eyes
For the colors of love and the sky
For permanent happiness here on Earth
In the sky, to love and live
In Heaven's eyes
Can't wait, let's begin
She wishes it came out, it left
It leaves

Instead the little girl speaks
Who cries, and begs
Please just love me, just give me a chance
Let's do it let's do it, let's do it now
The little girl can't wait
For her dream to begin, so she cries
So she begs
She stews and sits

She emerges triumphant anyway
For Earth is solid, the sky is timeless
She is grace.
She is beautiful.
She stands tall.
She is proud .

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