Thursday, January 21, 2010

Letting go

Lately I have been letting go. Letting go of worry and letting go of hate. Letting go of anxiety. Just letting things go away. Is this my happy place? I think so. Not so easy to do. Just accept others and myself and I am, as they are. Really what else can you do. You can go through life saying this person needs to be this or this person needs to do that, they need to be more this and less that. You can't do that. Acceptance is HUGE. Once you accept yourself and others as they are, life becomes a beautiful colorful place full of characters. Laugh. Really laugh. Stress is a black ball that lives inside of you and grows and darkens the short time that we do have here. One of my new years resolutions was to not control my enviornment. Yes. Don't worry about that pile of stuff. Don't freak if the medicine cabinet is not shut( I am working on that one:) But really, it came down to not always having to make myself number one, being more complimentary with my friends and family, not nit picking everyones personality. Don't be so hard on yourself. If there is something that you want to change, than work to change it. Realize that this takes time. Real time. Lifetimes. Everyday. Take fear by the horns and ride it in the direction you want it to go, and if it is something that you can let go, than do it! I have to go pack now.

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