Saturday, November 29, 2014

One Person Army

There is this scared feeling inside of me, that all of the beauty in the world is going to be wiped out by big money.
We keep building fast food restaurants, chain malls, car dealerships, Wal-mart, McDonalds, Jack in the Box-you get the picture. All you have to do is look down the street.  Why do we need so many? The buildings are just ugly, and they are everywhere.
We live on a beautiful planet, yet we cover it with asphalt and Taco bell's. We drink Diet Cancer and Big Mac's. Our grocery stores are stocked with food-that is full of chemicals and is actually giving everyone a nutritional deficit, instead of doing what food is supposed to do, nourish us. Ninety percent of the food that you buy is full of chemicals that a chemist could not identify. Mind numbing, addictive, cancer causing chemicals. Now the government has passed a law saying that they don't have to listen to the advice of scientists. They will hire their own people to approve the effects of the chemicals on people.It's "funny" how quickly the Senate was able to agree on this change.
The main problem is that most people just don't know what they are really consuming. They don't really realize what they are really eating is not really food at all anymore. T.V. tells us what to buy.
Advertisements and the media exist so that people will buy things. The product advertisements give people extremely false impressions.  It seems like guzzling a Pepsi will make you the most beautiful person in the world, or a cool superhero like Batman. Allow me to give you a reality check. You are giving yourself diabetes, making yourself obese and possibly giving yourself cancer.  If they showed someone who had a lost a foot to diabetes on a Pepsi commercial instead of (fill in the blank famous person) that would be more accurate as to the effects of the product. This is clearly not is what is being portrayed.
However, the more people that buy these products the more money the corporations make who are advertising the product.  The more corporations make the more taxes they pay and the taxes go to make the world a better place for the people that are purchasing the goods...right? WRONG. That money goes to make the rich richer and poor sicker and poorer. And, in my opinion the buildings make the world an uglier place.
The health of the world is in trouble.  Look around you. I see humans wiping ourselves out, and the biggest threat that we have is ourselves. The best thing that we can do is educate ourselves and then make different choices. Money does not really make our planet go around, we do. We don't have to live on this planet covered in strip malls we can make things beautiful again.
We can all be our own one person army if we want to be. I am.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Be yourself

"I am different than anyone you will ever meet". This statement could be said about any person on Earth. Yet-we are all the same, we have all experienced happiness and we have all struggled.  We are all ONE. Treat others as you would treat yourself. Be the change that you want to see in this world. That does not necessarily mean doing charity, or going to church everyone. Something as small as a smile transcends language.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Voices in my head

We all have voices in our heads. Yes! Everyone is crazy. These voices are nothing more than our thoughts, though, and nothing to worry about most of the time. I am not talking about schizophrenia right now. Bringing awareness to thought is my goal.  Our thoughts are what drive our actions. Actions make us, and make the world around us. They are what really makes the world go round. So what are our thoughts then? They are the foundation for our actions.

Listen to the Voices
Listen to the voices in your head. Pay attention to what they are saying. Be an outside observer of your thoughts though. Listening without acting gives me the opportunity to analyze what the different voices are saying. Be an outside observer to your thoughts. Acknowledge them. Don't be afraid of them. We cannot help and heal our inner self if we aren't listening to what is really being said in our minds. Listening takes the pressure off. It gives us a real idea of what is going on inside, and then stops feeling like chaos in our mind, because we are just observing.

Our minds do not have to be our prisons. The voices do not have to rule what happens in our life. We have the ability to pick and choose from our thoughts, and make those thoughts reality through our actions. Beliefs are nothing without actions, and actions start with belief.

Different personalities
After listening to what my thoughts were saying. I noticed some different patterns developing. The different "voices", or thoughts that I was having were sometimes intrusive. Unwanted thoughts would creep up all of the time. I wanted to be happy, carefree and enjoying what I was doing...but then these thoughts would come into my mind. They would judge me, judge others, berate me, and even make me afraid sometimes. Other times my thoughts would make me feel happy, or creative or strong. A few times I had very dark thoughts that scared me. I realized that these thoughts were my deepest, darkest fears. Those are always the ugliest voices.
I think that the time in between these thoughts is when we are most in the moment.
I have identified at least three different personalities within my thoughts (wow, that sounds crazy).
They are completely contradictory to each other, which is just great!They are always competing with each other, which makes more stress in my mind.  The silent killer. These thoughts are very real for me. They do affect me. They cause feelings. They do cause stress, high blood pressure, anxiety. Thoughts are invisible, except to the one having them. They cease to be invisible then and take our mind/our brains/our hearts.

One of my personalities is afraid of EVERYTHING. In her mind the boogy man is coming whether it be an animal attack or a rape or a murder. She is always looking over her shoulder. Doom!  She cannot relax, she is afraid all of the time. She is afraid of noises when she is alone. She is afraid of the dark, of being hurt, and dying. She is a terrible hypochondriac, something is always wrong. This voice makes my blood pressure go up. She has caused me the most stress in my life, even as a child.
The second one is the personality that I most relate to, and listen to.She is a bad ass. She has a spine of steel, and is afraid of NOTHING. She is brilliant, and stops at nothing to get what she wants. She is logical, and philosophical.  I like this voice the best. She has a heart of gold, and always wants to do the right thing. She is a goal setter, and she attains these goals. She is successful. This is my goddess self.
The third one is a judgemental nag. She can't let anything go, and constantly tries to talk to me about other people.She brings people I don't like to mind. This voice wants to put me down. She wants drama.  She puts notions in my head, that aren't the truth-reality. I shut this voice down quickly if I can. My least favorite thoughts come from this personality.

We all have different personalities in our thoughts. Look for a pattern in your thoughts, then just listen to them. They don't have to be reality,just observations.

The more you are able to identify and just listen-rather than be these thoughts the more time is spent in the moment. We can act consciously rather than impulsively. This gives us more control over our destinies.  Only then does our true self emerge, and we are truly living. Not just existing in our thoughts.